Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Made it to Johannesburg! In fact the plane even arrived early. I had four seats to myself on the 14 1/2 hour flight. Nancy Sue arrived early as well. One of my bags arrived and the other is "coming". Thankfully the bag with my clothes arrived.

Leah and David Preston came to pick us up. Roy and Rose Tibbitt came for supper. (They have both been with Wycliff Bible Translators and help run this stopover on the way to... Leah and DAvid are beginning a 4 year term here in Johannesburg. They have been working in Mozambique prior to this.

Connection one...
Roy and Rose are wondering where to next, which might be Peterborough ON (just down the road from me!). Rose is very interested in literacy and ESL and she might help set-up some training. God must have a good sense of humour. Bringing me to Johannesburg to meet Roy and Rose.

Connection two...
Leah is the daughter of Ted Pollock, a missionary to Africa, who I knew of from my Pittsburgh days. In fact she knows Tod Custer from Ellwood City, the area where Paul and I ministered in Pennsylvania. We have others in common as well. We sang several times "It's a small world after all."

We also are getting names of connections for Maxwell for Sena work in Mozambique.

And this is just the first day!

1 comment:

  1. We had a lovely visit from Ted Pollock ourselves in Khartoum when he was helping to build Niles Theological back in the late 90's. We met Leah and David Preston in Nairobi when they lived there for awhile. John turned around and saw some blond kids. John said "Those are Pollocks." We checked and found out they were Leah and David's so were Pollock in descent. John grew up on the mission field with the Pollocks. Leah gave us a copy of the story of Ted's Adventures. We enjoyed reading that.
    Your experiences in travel really reminded us of ours in Uganda and Kenya. Stuffed people in Kenya used to be 26 on a mini bus!!! So now there is a law of only 15 on one!!!
    We are settled in Florida. God gave us a really good trip with no rain as we packed the truck even though it was predicted. We got here and found our washer and dryer did not work but we gave them away to the Salvation Army annd they had just the kind of washer dryer we needed for $100. We have not put up any pictures yet and read our contract again and decided to put them up after all. We have such nice African pictures but there are no nails anywhere and we were a bit fearful. We have three bookcases containing artifacts and material for our time in North America and one for Africa. We did one poster on the miracle of training people in Africa. It was a wonderful time of seeing God do miracles.
    Love to you and Paul and Blessings,
